6 Healthy Tips I Have Learned:

  1. Portion control! There is no reason to pile food on your plate! Just take a reasonable amount, and you should be good! Overeating has always been a huge problem!
  2. Eat slowly. I know when you are really hungry that can be hard, but if you take time and chew everything slowly, you are less likely to overeat. How crazy is that? Just slow down, and enjoy the food.
  3. If you don’t like the food, don’t eat it. I know that sounds silly, but we tend to just eat whatever is in front of us, whenever it is there. But if you only eat what you really like, that will also cut down on your food intake.
  4. Don’t park close to the store. I know everyone wants the “prime” parking places, but it won’t kill you to walk the extra few hundred feet from the car to the store.
  5. Switch it up! Don’t eat the same thing every week. Variety is the spice of life, and trying new things is good for your digestion as well!
  6. Eat as much fresh food as possible. I know its tough sometimes, but be sure you aren’t always eating packaged food. They tend to have much higher amounts of sodium and other bad things for you.

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