
Dark Circles be Gone

Good morning, did you sleep well? To be honest, me either. And to imagine how I am when I wake up this early, think of a zombie. The only difference is that my life force is coffee instead of brains. So, are dark circles bothering you? Don't worry, I have a secret for you, something that will make you look as good as new. It's not gonna work right now, so you will still need to wear concealer today, but tomorrow, or whenever you don't get enough sleep, everything's gonna be alright if you listen to me. Yes, you heard me! Coconut oil baby! It will work wonders for your eyes, and all you have to do is apply a thin layer all around your eyes, and let it sit there all night. You'll wake up looking all fresh and rested, and your eye area will be super hydrated. The tiny box is just something I keep my coconut oil in, so it's easier to use. It tends to solidify when it's kept somewhere not very hot, so I find it super comfortable to use it out of the box, rather than out of the bottle. It's solid most of the times, so it would also be a waste of time to heat it every time I want to use it. Not to mention that I can never get the right amount from the bottle, it always leaks a whole lot more. Did you try the coconut oil around your eyes? Did it work just as great for you too?

Getting Fit

Energy and Calorie Burning Pill

Boasted as the number 1 energy pill by retailers nationwide, their website claims "Energize is perfect for men and women who want sustained energy and all-day calorie burning. That's because Energize was developed to safely give our bodies back the energy it needs and to keep our energy levels up longer". In fact, as their clinical studies suggest, one dose of Energize in the morning keeps your body and mind energized all day long. Looking over the ingredients we see they've combined a unique blend of B-vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, and as a company operator commented, "Energize works with your body's natural ability to burn calories for energy and is ideal for those days when we need to boost our energy, fight off mid-day fatigue, and think more clearly". All while burning extra calories to boot. We like that! These weight-loss supplements are available at retailers nationwide, including GNC, VitaminWorld, VitaminShoppe, and online retailers such as Drugstore, WeightShapes, or check out their websites, where you can order direct, find out more information, or locate your nearest retailer. Bonus: they all come with a no-questions-asked 60-day money-back guarantee.